Bule Kencing di Bromo Minta Maaf

Viral Bule Kencing di Kawah Bromo, Warga Tengger Marah

Sukapura (WartaBromo.com) – Wisatawan mancanegara yang kencing di bibir Kawah Bromo akhirnya minta maaf. Dalam penjelasannya, Ia mengaku tidak mengerti dan tidak paham soal kawasan suci. Termasuk budaya dan adat istiadat setempat.

Unggahan permohonan maaf itu, dituliskan langsung dalam story akun @hometown.earth, di Instagram.
“Dear people of Indonesia, Java, Bali, the Tengger Tribe in particular and all Hindus we insulted. We once again want to say how sorry we are.

Many people ask us: Why did you do that? or What were you thinking? The truth is: We did not think. For everyone who is willing to listen, here is our story: We come from a small country in Europe and are used to be in the mountains. We are always outside and do a lot outdoors.

We really did not know what kind of holy temple the Bromo is for the Hindu community. Sadly here in Europe we do not get in touch much with the Hindu culture and have a serious lack of knowledge here.

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We tried to reach out to the officials of Bromo national park and and would also love to apologise to the Tengger Tribe community directly.

We want to say thank you to EVERYONE who reached out to us, explain the issue, showed love and understanding and offend their help.

We have learned our lesson and hope that other western people see our mistake as negative example to never do such things ever again.


Dalam penjelasan tersebut, pemilik akun sekaligus orang dalam video yang viral, mengaku tidak paham soal adat budaya setempat.

“We really did not know what kind of holy temple the Bromo is for the Hindu community. Sadly here in Europe we do not get in touch much with the Hindu culture and have a serious lack of knowledge here (Kami sungguh tidak mengerti, jika Bromo merupakan tempat suci umat Hindu. Sayangnya, di sini, di eropa, kami tidak pernah bersinggungan dengan budaya hindu dan kami sungguh kurang pengetahuan soal itu,” katanya.

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Pemilik akun juga sempat menghubungi humas Forum Sahabat Gunung, Muhammad Anshori. Dalam pesannya, ia benar-benar mintaa maaf dan mencoba menghubungi BB TNBTS.

“Iya benar, DM (direct Messages) ke saya, setelah saya DM terlebih dahulu. Dia benar-benar minta maaf dan minta tolong untuk menyampaikannya pada masyarakat Tengger maupun TNBTS,” kata Anshori.

Kasus ini pun, menjadi suatu pelajaran. Bahwa penting sekali untuk memberitahukan apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan selama ada di kawasan Bromo. Terutama pada wisatawan mancanegara maupun wisatawan domestik. Sehingga tidak terjadi lagi insiden semacam ini. (lai/saw/may)